„Every week, a young widow would go to her husband’s grave to water the flowers.“

Every week, a young widow would go to her husband’s grave to water the flowers. When she left, she never looked back. One day, a young man who had been watching her approached. ‚I see that you have shown great respect for your deceased husband,‘ he said. ‚I find it truly fascinating that you don’t turn around when you leave.

In reality, some women marry much older men for the inheritance; this woman was one of them. Nevertheless, she made sure to visit his grave every week.

Il giovane non poté fare a meno di commentare le sue azioni costanti. « Hai mostrato un grande rispetto per tuo marito defunto. Trovo davvero affascinante che tu non ti giri quando te ne vai, » ripeté.

The widow’s response left him speechless. ‚Well, sir, my husband used to say that I had a derrière capable of bringing the dead out of their graves. I prefer to avoid taking any risks,‘ she said.



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