This woman gives up her old appearance and becomes a beauty

This woman gave up an old-fashioned look and transformed herself into a beauty

Becky Muncy from Bedford, Indiana, was a 67-year-old woman who asked Christopher Hopkins to give her a full makeover.

She thought her life was like a song. Sometimes in minor tones and sometimes in major ones. Hearing this, one could understand that her life was full of ups and downs, which gave meaning to her life. However, she wanted to give her appearance a more elegant look. But before the MAKEOVERGUY team started working on her look, it was time to tell her story. She began to talk about her childhood and how she felt when her father had a massive heart attack. She talked about her teenage years and about her sister singers.

Their singing group travelled to churches and conventions and sang. All her childhood friends stayed in touch. Becky knew from the beginning that she wanted to teach music in life. She recounted how she met her now-husband by performing at his church one day. Soon it was time to analyse Becky’s body characteristics, starting with vertical and horizontal measurements with a full body analysis. The MAKEOVERGUY team was now deciding how to make Becky perfect by balancing the different features of her body.
Hopkins felt that Becky’s jaw and upper forehead needed to be contoured. As for the eyes, the team wanted to emphasise the inside of the eye and the eyelids. Becky wanted a classic, elegant, well-dressed look.

MAKEOVERGUY knew exactly what this woman wanted and helped her achieve a stunning transformation. Hopkins’ mother was actively involved in the make-up process and helped the lady. The Hopkins team is the only make-up team in the world that helps to uplift and inspire women around the world.
After the make-up, Becky felt as if she had turned into a movie star. She couldn’t be happier.

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